Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Schola Hungarica - The Offertory

Label : Hungaroton
Format : WV
Cover : Yes

Tracklist :

01. Reginald Libert: Ave Maria [3:14]
02. Ad te levavi (Old Roman with verses) [4:58]
03. Erit in vobis (Ambrosian with verse) [3:49]
04. Popule meus (Beneventan) [1:28]
05. Pierluigi da Palestrina: Super flumina Babylonis [2:21]

Early Gregorian Offertories with Verses for Ordinary Time
06. Super flumina Babylonis [10:56]
07. Eripe me [4:40]
08. Domine convertere [3:08]
09. Pierluigi da Palestrina: Jubilate Deo [2:35]

Gregorian Offertories without Verses
10. Angelus Domini (for Easter) [1:32]
11. Bonum est confiteri (for a Saturday in Ordinary Time) [0:52]
12. Recordare mei (for a Sunday in Ordinary Time) [1:29]
13. Deus Deus meus ad te de luce (for a Sunday of Easter) [0:58]
14. Veniens vir (for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross) [1:25]
15. Pierluigi da Palestrina: Confirma hoc Deus [2:19]

Two Offertories with Trope
16. Confirma (for Pentecost with trope: Laudes almo) [3:46]
17. Stetit angelus (for the Feast of St. Michael with trope: Salus Deo) [5:49]
18. O pie Deus (Offertory in new style in the Mass for the Dead with one verse) [3:55]
19. Pierluigi da Palestrina: Inveni David (for the Feast of a Confessor) [2:22]

Schola Hungarica, László Dobszay & Janka Szendrei