Monday, December 31, 2018

(24-96) Bernstein - Wonderful Town - Simon Rattle

Label : LSO
Format : Flac track
Cover : Yes

Tracklist :

Leonard Bernstein
Wonderful Town

Danielle de Niese (Eileen), Alysha Umphress (Ruth), Nathan Gunn (Bob Baker), Duncan Rock (Wreck), David Butt Philip (Lonigan), Ashley Riches (Guide/First Editor/Frank)
London Symphony Orchestra, London Symphony Chorus, Simon Rattle


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi, I'm amazed of the repertoire and quality of all the music, but, there's a problem when downloading, the uptoload server only admits one download per hour, it would be great if you upload the files to Mega, or any other server wich allows a better download experience. Thanks for sharing and greetings from México!

  3. Nathan, all of the downloading services restrict your downloads unless you sign up for a premium subscription plan. The subscription plans for uptoload are all pretty cheap and are worth the small amount for all the albums you can get.

