Friday, April 14, 2023

(24-96) Tenebrae, Nigel Short - Music of the Spheres - Part Songs of the British Islesc


Label : Signum
Format : Flac track
Cover : Yes

Tracklist :

Herbert Murrill: Two Songs from Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
Bridge: Autumn, H.24
Bridge: Music When Soft Voices Die, H.31
Bridge: The Bee, H.110
Vaughan Williams: Three Shakespeare Songs
Elgar: Four Part-Songs, Op. 54
Walker, E: Soft Music, Op. 48
Bingham, J: The Drowned Lovers
Stanford: 8 Part-Songs, Op.119: No. 3, The Blue Bird
Stanford: On Time
Harvey, J: Song of June
Chilcott: The Modern Man I Sing

Tenebrae, Nigel Short

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