Thursday, August 22, 2019

Gluck - Der betrogene Kadi - Otmar Suitner

Label : CPO
Format : Ape
Cover : Yes

Tracklist :

Christoph W. Gluck
Le cadi dupé

Walter Berry (Bass Baritone), Anneliese Rothenberger (Soprano), Helen Donath (Soprano), Nicolai Gedda (Tenor), Klaus Hirte (Baritone), Regina Marheineke (Soprano)
Bavarian State Opera Orchestra & Chorus, Otmar Suitner



  2. I get "This file is temporarily unavailable, please retry later ".
    Could you please post a working link?


  3. Links are working fine. Temporarily means, I guess, temporarily, so, I think, maybe, it is a question of waiting, not a matter of posting a new link. 99% of complainers here shold learn a little bit about downloading and uncompressing before leaving certain comments. Good luck.

  4. Oh, what would the world be without you, Omniscient One...

  5. In stead of being simply arrogant, could you please provide solutions? I and others have problems unpacking these rar-files. I'm on Linux and my default archiver that never gives problems on any other file or download site, constantly simply doesn't show any files in the index. When I use another upacker it does unrar without problem though.

    I've been packing and unpacking all kinds of archives for decades, with gui utils and from the command-line, with or without password or encryption, and the problem I encounter here are really an exception. I read other people have similar problems and seem not be able to find solutions.

    So instead of being an "all-knowing" but further useless commenter that feels better than everyone else but still downloads music illegally and without having anything to show for himself, tell me what is the difference between the rar-files on this site and other rar-files and provide us with a solution that would enable them to unpack these files without much further ado and that everybody can be happy with.

    My solution would be the uploader uses a different utility to rar the files, but as this is not likely to happen and you seem to know everything, please help us out.
