Saturday, September 7, 2019

Telemann - Hamburger Admiralitätsmusik 1723 - Wolfgang Helbich

Label : CPO
Format : Flac (image + cue)
Cover : Yes

Tracklist :

Georg Philipp Telemann
Music for the Admiralty jubilee, TV 24 no 1
Overture-Suite for 2 Recorders, 2 Oboes, Piccolo, Flute, Bassoon, Strings and Basso continuo in C ma

Graham Pushee (Tenor), David Thomas (Bass), Michael Schopper (Bass), Mieke Van der Sluis (Soprano), Rufus Müller (Tenor), Klaus Mertens (Bass)
Alsfeld Vocal Ensemble, Bremen Baroque Orchestra, Wolfgang Helbich