Thursday, March 23, 2017

(24-96) Mahler - Symphony No. 6 - Darlington


Label : Acousence
Format : Flac track
Cover : Yes

Tracklist :

Gustav Mahler
Symphony No. 6 in A minor 'Tragic'

Duisburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Jonathan Darlington


  1. uploaded

  2. Hi Thang Nguyen,

    A question that I have been meaning to ask for a very long time:

    These "24-96" files I have never downloaded - much as I would love to - they take up too much valuable space!!

    My priority is for gathering different types of music, but with "good quality" sound. 320 kbps is sufficient for me, especially at my age when I know that my upper frequency reception is somewhat degraded.

    Is it easy to reconfigure these 24-96 downloads so that they do not consume so much memory space?

    NB - I am not a "computer buff"

    Any help from anyone will be gratefully received.

    Thanking you.


    Douglas (UK)

  3. Been trying to use 'Foobar' - downloaded a conversion package to add to the Foobar programme which will convert to 320 kbps [LAME] mp3. Seems to have worked - reduced the memory size of the file by 50% - but how I did it I am not sure. Cannot replicate it again at the moment, but will keep trying.

    Not listened to the converted file yet!

    Not the easiest of programmes.

    If it proves successful then I will D/L more of Thang Nguyen's 24-96 uploads, but will convert them to a more acceptable memory size, hopefully by a third of the original size.

    Any help/advice would be much appreciated.


    Douglas (UK)

  4. Thanks for 24-96K format!!

  5. Just to make it very clear - I am most definitely not requesting Thang Nguyen to stop uploading 24-96 files - but instead asking how I might best convert these files into a format which is more suitable for my needs.


    Douglas (UK)
