Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Schola Hungarica - The Holy Lady of Chartres

Label : Hungaroton
Format : WV
Cover : Yes

Tracklist :

The Holy Lady of Chartres

01. Hymnus: Nuntium vobis [0:31]
02. Sequentia: Sonent Regi nato [1:19]

Mass for the feast of Purification
03. Tropus: Ecce venit - Introitus: Suscepimus Deus [6:49]
04. Graduale: Suscepimus Deus [2:17]
05. Tropus: Salve Sancta - Offertorium: Diffusa est [2:27]
06. Communio: Responsum accepit [0:39]
07. Benedicamus on the melody of «Stirp Jesse» (2 voices) [2:49]

Responsories for the common office of the Virgin Mary
08. Responsory: Solem justitiæ (On Mary's Born Feast) [2:22]
09. Benedicamus on the melody of «Flos filius» (3 voices) [1:11]
10. Responsory: O decus virginitatis (chants for Mary's Feast) [2:26]
11. Responsory: Stirps Jesse [2:45]
12. Responsory: Ad nutum Domini [1:47]
13. Responsory: Intermerata virum [2:10]
14. Responsory: Cæli regina [2:21]
15. Responsory: Integer ardorem [2:04]
16. Responsory: Floruit egressa [1:28]
17. Responsory: Lampas superno lumine [1:24]
18. Responsory: Salve nobilis virga [1:49]
19. Benedicamus on the melody of «Stirp Jesse» (2 voices) [2:32]

Mass for the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
20. Introitus: Gaudeamus omnes [3:11]
21. Kyrie Rex genitor [2:23]
22. Gloria in excelsis - Tropus: Cujus reboat [6:00]
23. Graduale: Propter veritatem [2:25]
24. Alleluja: Per te Dei Genitrix [2:16]
25. Sequentia: Area virga [3:41]
26. Antiphon before the Gospel: Anima mea [1:24]
27. Offertorium: Felix namque - Tropus: Felix et Genitrix [2:44]
28. Sanctus - Tropus: Sancte ingenite [2:58]
29. Agnus Dei [0:47]
30. Communio: Vera fides Geniti [0:32]
31. «Stirps Jesse» (3 voices) [2:13]

32. Pater noster - Tropus: Fidem auge [4:10]

Schola Hungarica, László Dobszay & Janka Szendrei