Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Busoni Recalled - The 1941 New York Commemorative Concert - Egon Petri, Joseph Szigeti, Dimitri Mitropoulos


Label : Music & Arts
Format : Flac (image + cue)
Cover : Yes

Tracklist :

Mozart: Idomeneo Overture arranged by Ferruccio Busoni in 1918
Busoni: Indian Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra (1915)
Busoni: Sarabande and Cortège Op 51 (1918-19)
Busoni: Violin Concerto in D Op 35a (1896-97)
Josef Szigeti recalls Busoni (from a talk given at Harvard University in 1965)

Egon Petri (piano), Josef Szigeti (violin)
Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra of New York, Dimitri Mitropoulos

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