Saturday, August 24, 2024

Puccini - Turandot - Leopold Stokowski


Label : Pristine
Format : Flac track
Cover : Yes

Tracklist :

PUCCINI Turandot

A Mandarin (baritone) - Calvin Marsh
Liù, a young slave girl (soprano) - Anna Moffo
Calaf, the Unknown Prince (tenor) - Franco Corelli
Timur, his aged father, exiled king of Tartary (bass) - Bonaldo Giaiotti
Prince of Persia (non-singing role) - Edilio Ferraro
Ping, the Grand Chancellor (baritone) - Frank Guarrara
Pang, the General Purveyor (tenor) - Robert Nagy
Pong, the Chief Cook (tenor) - Charles Anthony
Emperor Altoum of China (tenor) - Alessio de Paolis
Princess Turandot, his daughter (soprano) - Birgit Nilsson
Choir and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera, New York, Metropolitan Opera Chorus Master Kurt Adler, Leopold Stokowski

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