Sunday, February 25, 2024

Giulia Nuti - The Fall of the Leaf


Label : Arcana
Format : Flac track
Cover : Yes

Tracklist :

anon.: Prelude
Dowland: A Pavion Solus cum sola
Dowland: Frog Galliard
Peerson: The Primerose (P VI / 4)
Tomkins, J: John Come Kiss Me Now
Dowland: Captaine Pipers Pavin
Dowland: If my complaints could passions move
Peerson: The Fall of the Leafe
Byrd: The Bells
Dowland: Can she excuse my wrongs? (First Booke of Songes, 1597)
Tisdale: Almand
Tisdale: Coranto
Amner: O Lord in thee is all my trust
Campion: Shall I come, sweet love, to thee?
Morley: Passamezzo: Pavan
Caccini, G: Amarilli mia bella
anon.: In Sorrows Drown’d
Dowland: Lachrymae: Pavan
Harding: Galliard in D minor

Giulia Nuti

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