Label : Resonus
Format : Flac track
Cover : Yes
Byrd: O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth
Morley: Laboravi in gemitu meo
Tomkins: Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom
Tallis: Videte miraculum
Byrd: Haec dies a 6 (Cantiones Sacrae 1591)
Weelkes: O how amiable are thy dwellings
Byrd: Attend Mine Humble Prayer
Gibbons, O: Almighty and everlasting God
Tomkins: When David Heard
Weelkes: When David Heard
Weelkes: O Jonathan
Morley: Haec dies
Gibbons, O: O Lord, in thy wrath rebuke me not
Tallis: O sacrum convivium
Morley: O amica mea
Tomkins: Turn Unto The Lord
Gibbons, O: Lift Up Your Heads
The Queen's Six