Thursday, March 14, 2019

Handel at Vauxhall Vol. 2 - London Early Opera, Bridget Cunningham

Label : Signum
Format : Flac track
Cover : Yes

Tracklist :

William Boyce
Spring Gardens "Rural Beauty"

George Frideric Handel
Concerto a due cori No. 1 in B flat major HWV 332

John Stanley
The Power of Music and Beauty

George Frideric Handel
English Songs, HWV 228: No. 9, A Song on the Victory Obtained Over the Rebels by His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland

Thomas Gladwin
Colin’s Description of Vauxhall

George Frideric Handel
Hornpipe in D Major, HWV 356

John Lampe
The Farewell to Vauxhall

George Frideric Handel
Music for Comus, HWV 44

Thomas Gladwin
The Ladies in Vauxhall Gardens, to the British Officers at Dettingen

Johann Adolph Hasse
Venetian Ballads Compos'd by Sig.r Hasse: Roger and Sue

Loyal Song

Claire Bessant, Mary Bevan, Eleanor Dennis, Benjamin Bevan, Charles MacDougal, Nicky Spence, Greg Tassell
London Early Opera, Bridget Cunningham



  2. showing as "File not found"

  3. Thưa ông, có thể kích hoạt lại ấn phẩm này không? Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều ... cũng vì công việc của bạn được thực hiện ở đây nếu không!

    PS. Tôi có thể sử dụng trình dịch Google cho tiếng Việt được không ;)

  4. File was deleted. Could please repost. Thanks for the other Cunningham records.

  5. Could you please add a new link?

  6. Hi Could you re upload this one. It says "File Not found".

  7. You can use a stream ripper like SMLoader to download it in flac quality from Deezer (use Athame for Tidal), or grab a HD version from Rutr@cker. It's always good to have backup sources.
