Monday, December 11, 2023

Tchaikovsky - Symphonies Nos. 4 & 5 - Hans Rosbaud


Label : SWR
Format : Flac track
Cover : Yes

Tracklist :

Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4 in F minor, Op. 36
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64

Südwestfunkorchester Baden-Baden, Hans Rosbaud



  2. I've tried several times to download since your most happily encountered return. But with no success!
    Now, in trying to download this, I even get "Timed Out" "Cannot contact site" on trying to get through to Nitroflare.
    It seems as though I might have to give up your most esteemable blog - about which I would be most unhappy.
    Please drop Nitroflare, as all it seems is that they wish to use you as a moneymaking opportunity.
    Or have an alternative site as several other blogs do.

  3. Hi, sound_hunter! I have just downloaded the file with no problem.

  4. Please load on the other file sharing. I can't download it.

    1. [Valid for 7 days from now]

    2. Could someone provide a temp link to download this release please?


      Please be advised this was downloaded via a Paid Account from Nitroflare. I agree it might be expensive but it is an excellent host and you should think about getting a premium account. This is just a favor to you so that you realize that Pippo cannot provide multiple servers. He works with one server. (Link is valid for 7 days from today January 15th, 2024)

  5. DanseDePuck I understand you, but you also understand me. We've been at a brutal war for almost two years now, and I really can't even buy bread - I have no money. Perhaps the only reason I didn't go crazy was because of my love for music.

    1. I see. Yes, there are problems as a global community we are not aware of. I had similar problems some 7 years ago. I had to move. Could not bring my collection with me. Had to forget about my audio equipment. I never thought I could live without all that. I know what it's like to have no money. The last two decades have been difficult for Argentina and for myself. And unfortunately, it doesn't look as if things will pick up too soon for either of us. Music has always been my savior. Glad to have helped. Let's keep in touch.
