Sunday, February 25, 2024

Michael Chance, Christopher Wilson - The Sypres Curten of the Night


Label : Chandos
Format : Flac (image + cue)
Cover : Yes

Tracklist :

Campion: Never weather-beaten saile more willing bent to shore
Campion: Author of Light
Campion: The sypres curten of the night is spread
Ford, T: Musicke of Sundrie Kindes
Holborne: Heres paternus
Danyel: Mrs. M. E. her Funerall teares for the death of her husband
Rosseter: What then is love but mourning?
Rosseter: Shall I come when I swim?
Rosseter: No grave for woe
Holborne: The night watch
Holborne: Muy linda
Dowland: I saw my Lady weepe
Dowland: Shall I strive with wordes to move?
Dowland: Sorrow, stay
Dowland: Can she excuse my wrongs? (First Booke of Songes, 1597)
Holborne: Fantasia No. 3
anon.: Miserere, my Maker

Christopher Wilson (lute), Michael Chance (counter-tenor)

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