Friday, August 2, 2024

Carolyn Sampson, Laurence Cummings, Elizabeth Kenny, Jonathan Manson - Come All Ye Songsters


Label : Wigmore Hall Live
Format : Flac track
Cover : Yes

Tracklist :

Purcell: The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act 2
Purcell: The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act 3: Ye Gentle Spirits of the Air
Purcell: Suite No. 5 in C major, Z 666
Purcell: Timon of Athens, Z. 632: The Cares of Lovers
Purcell: Fly swift ye hours, Z369
Purcell: Not all my torments can your pity move, Z400
Draghi, G B: An Italian Ground
Purcell: Don Quixote, Z. 578, Act 4
Purcell: The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act 2 "Princess Anne's Lute Book": Mystery
Purcell: The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act 3: If Love's a Sweet Passion
anon.: Princess Anne's Lute Book: Minuet
Corbetta: Suite in D Minor "La Guitarre Royale": VI. Passacaille
Purcell: Aureng-Zebe, Z. 573: I See She Flies Me
Purcell: What a sad fate is mine, Z428
Purcell: Pious Celinda goes to prayers, Z410
Simpson, C: The Division Viol, Pt. 3: III. The Method of Ordering Division to a Ground
Purcell: Tis Nature's voice (from Hail, Bright Cecilia, Z328)
Purcell: Abdelazar, Z. 570 "The Moor's Revenge": No. 10, Lucinda is Bewitching Fair
Purcell: The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act 5: Hark! The Echoing Air
Purcell: The Indian Queen, Z. 630, Act 3: I Attempt from Love's Sickness to Fly
Purcell: King Arthur, Z. 628, Act 5: Fairest Isle

Carolyn Sampson (soprano), Elizabeth Kenny (lute), Jonathan Manson (viol) & Laurence Cummings (harpsichord)

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