Monday, October 28, 2024

Choir of King's College, Cambridge, David Willcocks - Evensong For Ash Wednesday


Label : Decca
Format : Flac track
Cover : Front

Tracklist :

1 FARRANT: Hide not thou face from us, O Lord
2 FARRANT:Sentences
3 BYRD: Preces and Responses
4 CAMIDGE: Psalm 143: Hear my prayer, O Lord
5 CAMIDGE: Psalm 130: Out of the deep have I called unto Thee
6 First Lesson: Isaiah 57, 13-21
7 Lent Prose: Hear us, O Lord, have mercy upon us
8 CAUSTUN: Magnificat
9 Second Lesson: St. Luke 15, 10-32
10 CAUSTUN: Nunc Dimittis
11 The Apostles’ Creed
12 BYRD: The Lesser Litany
13 The Lord’s Prayer
14 BYRD: Versicles and Responses
15 Collects
16 PURCELL: Hear my prayer, O Lord
17 Prayers
18 ALLEGRI: Miserere (Psalm 51) (ed. Willcocks)

Roy Goodman, treble
Choir of King’s College, Cambridge, David Willcocks

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