Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Gerald Finley, Julius Drake - Songs By Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky & Ned Rorem


Label : Wigmore Hall Live
Format : Flac track
Cover : Yes

Tracklist :

Tchaikovsky: Romances (6), Op. 38 No. 1. Don Juan's Serenade
Tchaikovsky: Romances (6), Op. 38 No. 2. It was in the early spring
Tchaikovsky: Romances (6), Op. 38 No. 3. At the ball
Tchaikovsky: 7 Romances, Op. 47: No. 6. Does the day reign?
Tchaikovsky: 12 Romances, Op. 60: No. 12. The mild stars shone for us
Tchaikovsky: 6 Romances, Op. 6: No. 6. Nyet, tol'ko tot, kto znal
Tchaikovsky: 6 Romances, Op. 25: No. 2. As over burning embers
Mussorgsky: Songs and Dances of Death
Rorem: War Scenes
Ives, C: Memories: A 'Very Pleasant' - B 'Rather Sad'
Rautavaara: Three Sonnets Of Shakespeare: No. 3. Shall I compare thee
Charles, W: The Green-eyed Dragon

Gerald Finley (bass-baritone), Julius Drake (piano)

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