Saturday, October 29, 2022

Sviatoslav Richter Archives Vol. 23 - Szymanowski


Label : Doremi
Format : Flac track
Cover : Front

Tracklist :

Szymanowski: Piano Sonata No. 2 in A major, Op. 21
Sviatoslav Richter (piano)

Szymanowski: Mythes, Op. 30
Oleg Kagan (violin), Sviatoslav Richter (piano)

Szymanowski: Piano Sonata No. 3, Op. 36
Sviatoslav Richter (piano)



  2. Beethoven's fourteenth Sonata has been a mystery since its creation. Its name – "Lunar" — will not encourage Beethoven. With the light hand of the poet Ludwig Relshtab, it was fixed on the work after the composer's death. Relshtab heard in the restrained and mournful lyrics of the first part of the sonata a lunar landscape on the Firvaldstet Lake.

    Many musicians disagreed with this message, but the poetic name quickly "stuck" to the Fourteenth Sonata and became an integral part of it.

    Moonlight requires something dreamy, melancholic, pensive, peaceful, generally gently shining in the musical image. The first part of the cis-moll sonata is tragic from the first to the last note…

    Arthur Rubinstein

    What is the true message of this music music? Did Beethoven reflect in it the torments of unhappy love, or did he reveal to the world and to himself the terrible truth about impending deafness? Musical art is difficult to classify as objective arts, everyone will hear in the Fourteenth Sonata what they want – an unrequited feeling, a moonscape and a cry of despair from the depths of the heart of a strong man, as Beethoven undoubtedly was.

