Thursday, February 22, 2024

QuintEssential Sackbut and Cornett Ensemble - Elisa is the fayrest Quene


Label : Chandos
Format : Flac track
Cover : Yes

Tracklist :

anon.: Suite of 5 Galliards
Johnson, E: Elvetham entertainment
Byrd: Fantasia in G major, No. 1, "Voluntary for my Lady Nevell"
Dowland: Come again, sweet love doth now invite
Parsons, R: In Nomine a 4
Dowland: Come away, come, sweet love
Coprario: Fantasia a 6
Cutting: 4 divisions on popular tunes: No. 1. Walsingham
Holborne: Pavans, Galliards, Almains and Other Short Aeirs both Grave, and Light
Bull, J: Chromatic (Queen Elizabeth's)
Bassano, G: Pavana
Bassano, G: Galiard
Wilbye: Sweet Love, if thou wilt gaine a Monarches glory
Wilbye: Suite of Almands

Stephen Wallace, Timothy Massa (counter-tenors), Julian Podger (tenor), Robert McDonald (bass), Elizabeth Pallett (lute), Raf Mizraki (percussion)
QuintEssential Sackbut and Cornett Ensemble

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